Monday 12 December 2011

A great combination – craft, sweeties and friends

It’s is always fun at Christmas to invite friends over for a little bit of crafting fun – in this case food craft.
Gingerbread houses to be precise – maybe a little ambitious when you have very little time – but I was surprised how easy they were to make. The only issue I had was that I only had one large baking sheet, so baking took some time with all the bits for two houses.
I found a recipe off the internet, most of them had black treacle, not my favourite ingredient so next year I will swap ½ the black treacle for golden syrup.
So the sides were made and a huge batch of royal icing was made up (using Dr Oetker egg whites), and out came my old icing bag and nozzles. The houses were fun to stick together – until my husband told me I got the roofs on the wrong way – so the pieces were prised off, cleaned and stuck back on. I was really surprised just how quickly it stuck together, and how strong they were when finished. The houses were then left overnight to really harden – ready to be decorated by Emily and her friend Lucy.
Making the houses was a great way of getting rid of the sweeties that we had collected over the past year. Emily and Lucy "directed" where they wanted the icing, and then covered the roofs with sweeties. Paths of icing were created so that the gummy bears could "conga" up to the front door of the house (although I don’t think many of Lucy’s bears made it to the party!). A reindeer cookie was added to each front garden, with cake decorations added for eyes and a nose.
Both girls were very good and didn’t eat too many sweets – the same can not be said about Claire and me.
Emily and Lucy (and mummies) were really pleased with their finished results, and proudly shown off to their Daddies later.
So Merry Christmas, Claire and Lucy – we hope you enjoy munching through the house as much as we all enjoyed decorating them.

The scrap page was put together using Serif CraftArtist – using Lifestyle digikit and my own little gingerbread man image.

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